Friday, June 18, 2010

Do You Have The Right Attitude?

Attitude is everything!!!! There is is a quote, "If you think you can, you're right; if you think you can't, you're right," I cannot recall the author at this time although this is one quote that is always on my mind and it is so very true. Negative thinking can lead to failure, depression, hopelessness, lack of confidence and/or self worth, etc. I've spent a large portion of my life with negative thinking. Our attitude and our thoughts become our reality and my negative thinking lead me to self hate, worthlessness, hopelessness, and depression which lead to my bad behaviors in relationship to food. Food took over and controlled my life which in turn added up to 604 pounds and a very unhealthy person. I became a prisoner in my own body, praying daily to stay alive. I was not living, I merely existed and only did what absolutely needed to be done. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired and through the Grace of God I ordered Medifast and began a life altering journey.

Once I began Medifast/Take Shape for Life, I started to feel better about myself because I was finally doing something for me and my attitude began to change. This did not happen overnight, life continued to be difficult for me, although with a more positive attitude I was able to turn things around and as I lost weight I became more confident, hopeful, and less depressed. Our thoughts become our behavior and with my positive attitude I started to believe in myself which helped me change my behaviors so that food no longer controlled me.

I work on being positive on a daily basis. I am a work in progress and will continue this journey of taking care of me so that I will reach a healthy weight and maintain for life. I know that I have to continue to work on changing my thinking so that my behaviors will continue to change and I will in turn change my life for the better forever.

Remember if you tell yourself you can, you're right and if you tell yourself you can't, your right-----so let's tell ourselves THAT WE CAN AND WE WILL!!!!!

ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING AND OUR THOUGHTS BECOME OUR BEHAVIOR!!!!! Be positive and working on changing your thinking so that you can change your behaviors and your lives forever.



1 comment:

  1. Mary,

    I can relate to your feelings of hopelessness and self-loathing - it is truly horrible to live like that! I'm so glad you found medifast, and I'm glad I found it because it has been me and my hubby's answer as well!

    I can't agree with you more about the affects our thoughts have on us... and how our negative thoughts can determine our course. I've known my thoughts had power to bring me down into despair yet I have always struggled to take control of my thoughts and make myself think positively. I read a book that really helped me a TON - it's called "The 4:8 Principle" by Tommy Newberry (I show a pic of it on the lower right side of my blog). But it is a daily effort to derive the positive from everything and work on not getting discouraged.

    When they say "Attitude is everything", it really is! I love your determined spirit! You are a wise woman! Keep being strong girl!!! :)

