Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What Are You Waiting For?

What are you waiting for? That is a question I have asked myself a million times before starting Medifast. The answer was always very similar----I'll start Monday or after so and so's birthday, or after the holidays, etc, etc. I think you all are very familiar with what I'm talking about and I'm sure many, if not all, of you have experienced this yourself.

There are times I get down on myself saying why did you wait so long, why did you let yourself get so out of control before you did something about it, why, why why? Well let me tell you, there is no benefit for you to question yourself, why. This will not change anything except to bring you down. You need to tell yourself, like I have, that you are doing it, you are taking care of you. This is your time and you will continue to take care of you, eat healthy, lose weight and get healthy. If you have not started yet, start today!!!! Like the old saying goes, there is no time like the present time, and this is so true. Do not wait any longer, you life depends on it.

There will always be something going on in your life, a birthday, a family get together, a holiday, a wedding, an office, party, stress, etc. You can not wait any longer, instead you need to focus on yourself, plan and prepare. It is very easy to stay on plan during any event and/or holiday as long as you plan and prepare for it.

I've survived many holidays, parties, social events, a wedding, baby showers, etc. and stayed on plan. I was able to do this because I planned and prepared for it. I made sure there were lean and green options available and if there were not I brought my own and/or brought my Medifast meals. I know now that I am important enought to take time for me and make sure I always have what I need to succeed and so are you.

Don't get me wrong I have not been perfect and have hit a bump in the road while traveling this journey, although I got right past the bump and got right back on plan at my very next meal and continued on the journey as I do today and every day. There is no race in losing weight and eating healthy. This is a journey to change our lifestyle so that we can reach our weight loss goals and maintain for life and we all can and will do just that.

I wish you all a wonderful journey and thank you for allowing me to share mine with all of you.

So, What Are You Waiting For?


1 comment:

  1. I like what you have to say, Mary. All of what I have read is so true! I knew when I started TSFL on March 5th that I was going to go home (NYS) and go off my plan while I was on vacation. I gained 4.8 lbs and when I returned home I went back on TSFL and have lost 5.2 lbs in 3 days. However, I am now battling with food again. My stinking thinking has me thinking I can go off plan and go back on plan and the weight will come off. I need to stop this insanity going on in my head. Reading your blog has reminded me why I started TSFL to begin with -- to change my habits with food!!! There were three "eating" placed in my home town that I told myself I had to have when I go home (it had been 6 years since I was home). Honestly, I could have lived without these meals and stuck to this plan but I chose not to. If and when the time comes to go home -- I now know it is my attitude that needs adjusting. I need to stick healthy habits no matter what (under any and all circumstances)! Food messes with my head and makes me think it will be different this time. It is always different -- it gets worst every time!!! Please pray for me to get my mindset back to where it was in March so I can continue on the TSFL journey because it truly is what I want and I know I can do it!!!
